Dublin Chamber relies on the active support of Council members and their businesses. Members act as a sounding board for their business and sector. They bring their expertise and that of their company in promoting the Chamber vision for Dublin in 2050, contributing to research, influencing Government, supporting membership development and promoting the services of the Chamber.
Being a member of Council also provides a great opportunity to network with your peers in business covering the full spectrum of business in Dublin and across all sectors of the economy. A list of our 2021 Council members can be found here.
Council members are asked to sign up to a Code of Governance, which details their roles and key responsibilities, such as working on taskforces and attending events. At its heart, Council represents the collective interests of the Membership and acts in the best interests of the Chamber and its Membership. Council also elects the President of Dublin Chamber, who must be a serving Council member, and the President is formally ratified at the AGM. The President and Nominations Committee then appoint a Board, which is responsible for the governance and management of Chamber business.
What’s the time commitment?
At a minimum, the Council meets 7 times a year and each member contributes to at least one taskforce, which will meet 4-6 times per year. Council members are generally much more engaged in supporting Chamber events, promoting the Chamber, its mission and vision, as well as the Chamber’s influencing agenda.
What do I need to do to run for election?
To run for Council, you must be nominated by two fellow members of Dublin Chamber and provide us with a photo, 60 word biography and 120 word election statement by 5pm on (tbc) December 2021. Voting opens (tbc) Feb 2021and runs for one week only. The results are announced at the Chamber’s AGM in 2022 (date tbc). More Election on line details can be found here.

Our Mission:
Helping your business succeed in a successful Dublin
Our Vision:
Dublin Chamber represents more than 1,300 companies, from start-ups to multi-nationals, connecting over 50 industry sectors through a membership programme designed to engage every level and discipline. Networking is a pillar of Dublin Chamber, offering members 130 events per annum at which to learn best practice and connect with the wider Dublin business community.
Dublin is the engine of growth in the national economy and the Chamber is a key contributor to the development of enterprise and economic policy throughout Ireland. The Chamber provides a range of business services, including international business assistance, export services and business promotion opportunities. Founded in 1783, the Chamber has represented the interests of business across the Greater Dublin Area for more than 200 years.

Dublin 2050: A New Vision for Dublin
Dublin Chamber is working on a new long-term vision for Dublin out to the year 2050. Our Great Dublin Survey seeks to capture the ideas, hopes and aspirations of the people who live in Dublin. The findings of the Survey will be used to drive the work of Dublin Chamber, as it sets out to ensure that Dublin becomes a better place to work, live and visit for both current and future generations.
For further information please contact Sandra Farrell: sandra@dublinchamber.ieor (01) 644 7215.